
Goosed Cycling is a Minnesota bike racing team focused on road and cross, as well as the official promoter of the 2024 Joy Memorial Crit (likely in years to come, as well). Our primary mission is to do what we can to keep racing a healthy, competitive, and welcoming community. To do that, we rely on one another, so there are a few expectations of Goosed Cycling team members.

  1. We support local racing. This happens in two ways: volunteering time and skills to help at least one event/year happen, and generally show up to races (isn’t expected to be all of them).
  2. Be good people. Be polite to other cyclists when out on training rides, give other racers a “good job buddy”, and remember that, while racing is great, this is really about the people.
  3. Buy a kit each year. We gotta hit piece minimums, ya know?

And as a club, we aim to provide the same in return. We want to help members have fun racing, get stronger and improve their skills, and build lasting relationships in the bike community. And ya know, race hard.

trio of us
Not only a pic with all four of us in it, but wearing matching kits. Has not been seen before or since.